Board Exams Canceled in HP

No 12th Exams in Himachal Pradesh

After Cancelation of 12th Exams by CBSE in Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Pradesh Government is Deciding to cancel 12th exams in Himachal Pradesh By Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE).

What is the cause of Cancelation of 12th Exams in Himachal Pradesh:

Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Sh. JaiRam Thakur said that due to the corona situation in Himachal Pradesh HP Government is Planning to cancel the 12th State board Examination after the cancelation of 12th Central Board Examination.

Final Decision on 12th Board Exams Examination 2021:

According to CM of Himachal Pradesh the final decision will be taken on the final cabinet meeting will be held on 5th June 2021. But high chances are that after cancelation of CBSE 12th Board Exams 12th Exams of HPBOSE will also be canceled. Parents Teacher  Association  (PTA)  Meeting will also be conducted in 4th June 2021. Education Minister of Himachal Pradesh Sh. Govind Singh Thakur will also participate in that PTA Meeting. But Chances are high that 12th Class Students of HP State Board will get relief from exams this year 2021.

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