JE Electrical 802 result

JE Electrical Post code-802 result Out

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) at 9th July 2021 declared the result of written objective type screening test for the recruitment of 1 Post of Junior Engineer Electrical (JE- Electrical) post code 802. which was post for Gen-1 {Unreserved}. The requisition to fill up this post was received from the Managing Director, HP State Industrial Development Cooperation Ltd- Shimla-1.

JE Electrical 802 result
In response to this advertisement , 1803 applications received out of which 1410 applications were provisionally admitted. The written  objective type screening test was held on 31-1-2021 in which 674 candidates appeared and 736 candidates remained absent. Out of total 674 candidates appeared, the following 4 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process. These are the 4 Candidates passed the examination of JE (Electrical). Their Roll Numbers are: 802000068 802000247 802001056 802001199 Total 4 Candidates

15 marks for evaluation of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 25th August 2021 at 9:30 AM in the premises of HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. They are directed to bring all original essential qualification  related document,15 marks of evaluation related documents, set of self attested documents copies all documents, One Id Proof and copy of downloaded application form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further opportunity will be given thereafter.

Everyone can check the same information of the result of JE Electrical Post code 802 on the HPSSC’s Official Website :

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