JOA IT - 817

HPSSC JOA IT Typing Test Postponed

HPSSC on 26th August 2021 gave notice that the Typing Skill test for the post of JOA(IT) Post code 817 has been postponed. The candidates who have their typing test scheduled from dated 27-08-2021 to 05-09-2021 will be effected by this decisions. The detailed information for the postponement of JOA It typing test can be read below.




It is no information of all concern that consequent upon the direction passed by Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh in CWP No. 3894 of 2021 a/w CPW Nos. 2329 ,2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2426, 2361, 2349, 3111, 3112, 3116,3133, 3134, 3137, 3141,3142,3144, 3148,3151, 3182, 3184, 3887, 3888, 3891, 38952, 3893, 4032, 4033 and 4049 of 2021, LPA Nos. 41,42, 43, 70 and 71 of 2021, vide which Hon’ble High Court has stayed the process of post code-817. Therefore the typing skill test for the post of Junior Office Assistant (IT) Post code-817 from 27th August 2021 to 05th Sep 2021 is postponed till further orders.

Candidates can check the same information on Postponement of JOA (IT) Typing Test on the commission’s Official website and candidates can also download and see the official Advertisement from the link given below :

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