HPSSC On August 2021 Declared Various Results such as Marketing Assistant Result(on contract basis) Post Code:808, Statistical Assistant Result (on contract basis) Post Code: 866, Junior Engineer (Civil) Result (on contract basis) Post Code: 882, Junior Engineer (Mechanical) Result (on contract basis) Post Code: 796, Ledger Keeper Result (on contract basis) Post Code: 890, Technical Superintendent Result (on contract basis) Post Code: 809. Candidates can check the declared result:
HPSSC Marketing Assistant Post Code:808 Result:
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission on 27th August 2021 declared the final result for therecruitment of 03 posts {Gen (UR)-03} of Marketing Assistant (on contract basis) Post Code:
808, in response to requisitions received from the Managing Director, HP Milkfed HP Shimla-11
and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-2/2020 dated 18.06.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 909 applications were received out of which 594
applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 22.12.2020 in which 163
candidates appeared and 431 candidates remained absent.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test held on 22.12.2020, 09
candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was
conducted on 23rd June, 2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 03 posts of
Marketing Assistant (on contract basis) Post Code: 808. The candidates bearing the following
Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Click here to see result of Marketing Assistant Post code 808
HPSSC Statistical Assistant Post Code: 866 Result:
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission on 27th August 2021 declared the
result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 06 posts
{Gen (UR)-01, Gen (EWS)- 02, OBC (UR)-01, OBC (BPL)-01 & SC (BPL)-01} of
Statistical Assistant (on contract basis) Post Code: 866 held on 11.04.2021 as per
the award list and ratio approved (1:3/1:4) by the Hon’ble Commission. The
requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Director, Women and
Child Development HP, Shimla-1 and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-
4/2020 dated 19.11.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 12503 applications were received
out of which 10190 applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 11.04.2021 in which
1811 candidates appeared and 8379 candidates remained absent. Out of total 1811
candidates appeared, the following 26 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for
further selection process.
Click here to see result of Statistical Assistant Post code 866
HPSSC Junior Engineer (Civil) Post Code: 882 Result:
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission on 27th August 2021 declared the result of
Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 24 posts {Gen (UR)-09, Gen
(EWS)-03, OBC (UR)-05, OBC (BPL)-01, SC (UR)-02, SC (BPL)-01, SC (WFF)-02 & ST (UR)-01}
of Junior Engineer (Civil) (on contract basis) Post Code: 882 held on 18.04.2021 as per the
award list and ratio approved (1:3/1:4) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisition to fill
up these posts was received from the Engineer-in-Chief, Jal Shakti Vibhag, Shimla-5 and
advertised vide advertisement No. 36-4/2020 dated 19.11.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 6669 applications were received out of
which 5968 applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 18.04.2021 in which
4117 candidates appeared and 1851 candidates remained absent. Out of total 4117
candidates appeared, the following 79 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for
further selection process.
Click here to see result of Junior Engineer Civil Post code 882
HPSSC Junior Engineer (Mechanical) Post Code: 796 Result:
result for the recruitment of 01 post {Gen (UR)-01} of Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
(on contract basis) Post Code: 796,
in response to requisitions received from the
Managing Director HP State Forest Development Corporation Limited Shimla and
advertised vide advertisement No. 36-2/2020 dated 18.06.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 1584 applications were received out of which
776 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 23.12.2020 in which
341 candidates appeared and 435 candidates remained absent.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test held on 23.12.2020, 04
candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was
conducted on 25th June, 2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 01 post of
Junior Engineer (Mechanical) (on contract basis) Post Code: 796. The candidates
bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Click here to see result of Junior Engineer Mechanical Post code 796
HPSSC Ledger Keeper Post Code: 890 Result :
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission on 28th August 2021 declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 31 posts {Gen (UR)-13, Gen (EWS)-03, OBC(UR)-05, OBC(BPL)-
01, SC(UR)-07, SC(BPL)-01 & ST(UR)-01} of Ledger Keeper (on contract basis) Post Code: 890 held on
18.04.2021 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:3/1:4) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisition
to fill up these posts was received from the Managing Director, Himachal Road Transport Corporation,
Shimla-3 and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-4/2020 dated 19.11.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 4672 applications were received out of which 3462
applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 18.04.2021 in which 1120 candidates appeared
and 2342 candidates remained absent. Out of total 1120 candidates appeared, the following 100 candidates have
been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process.
Click here to see result Ledger Keeper Post code 890
HPSSC Technical Superintendent Post Code: 809 Result :
for the recruitment of 14 posts {Gen (UR)-09, Gen (EWS)-01, OBC (UR)-02, SC (UR)-02 of
Technical Superintendent (on contract basis) Post Code: 809, in response to requisitions
received from the Managing Director, HP Milkfed, Shimla-11 and advertised vide
advertisement No. 36-2/2020 dated 18.06.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 724 applications were received out of which
440 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 17.12.2020 in which
118 candidates appeared and 322 candidates remained absent.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test held on 17.12.2020, 44
candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was
conducted on 01.07.2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 14 posts of
Technical Superintendent (on contract basis) Post Code: 809. The candidates bearing
the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Click here to see result Technical Superintendent Post code 809