HPPSC Assistant Engineer (Electric) Vacancy || HPPSC Assistant Engineer Post
HPPSC Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Vacancy is for the PP AND POWER -HPSEBL Department of Himachal Pradesh and have 76 Vacancies and having Pay scale of 16550-39100+ (GP 5800).
Essential Qualification For Assistant Engineer Vacancy:-
Regular/full time Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering from a
recognized Institute / University duly approved by the AICTE or AMIE from Institute of Engineers
(India Calcutta). AMIE shall be recognized for internal candidates who were enrolled with the
institutions have permanent recognition upto 31.05.2013
Desirable Qualification:
Experience of working in Design or Construction in hilly areas.
Fee Structure to Apply for HPPSC Assistant Engineer :
Orthopedically disabled, Deaf & Dumb, Hearing impaired/ Autism,
Intellectual Disability or MultipleDisability)/ Economically Weaker
Section (EWS)/ W.F.F. of HP/ Ex-Servicemenof HP relieved from
Defence Services on their own request before completionof normal
tenure, General wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons ofExSM of H.P. : RS 400
2. Candidates of Other States (includingreserved category(s)
candidates of other states: RS 400
3. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P./EWS (Covered under
BPL)/ (including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P.relieved
from Defence Services on their own requests before completion of
normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e.
Dependent sons of Ex-SM of H.P.) : RS 100
4. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from
Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/Blind/Visually
Impaired of H.P./Female Candidates. : NO FEE
HOW TO Apply for HPPSC Assistant Engineer Electrical:
Candidates can also see and download the official notification by clicking the button below :