HP High Court Stenographer Recruitment

Himachal Pradesh High Court has released advertisement notice for the recruitment of Stenographer, it has 5 posts for the post of Stenographer which is on a regular basis. Application will open from 5 Sep 2023 and last date for apply and fee payment is 30.9.2023.

Total No. of Vacancies for HP High Court Stenographer: 

There are total 5 posts for the post of Himachal Pradesh High Court Stenographer which is unreserved.

Pay Scale for Stenographer:

Pay Level 11 i.e., Rs. 38,500- 1,22,700 of the pay Matrix

Educational Qualification/ Eligibility Criterion for the HP High Court Stenographer :

The Education Qualification and Eligibility Criteria for HP High Court Stenographer are:

  • Graduation with 3 Years Experience Steno Typist and Judgment Writer and Stenographer in Any Government Office and Reported Organization.
  • Candidates must be having speed of 100 WPM words per minute in English stenography and accurate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of five times to the time allotted for detection and typing speed in English 50 WPM words per minute on computer where separate test shall be held.
  • Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in typing test shall be allowed. In other words the candidate committing more than 10% mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and the typed matter in typing test shall be declared as unqualified.

Apply for HP High Court Stenographer recruitment 2023 :

Candidates can apply by going to the recruitment section on the official website of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, for that candidates will have to create their profile first.

Candidates can check and download the official notification of the post of Himachal Pradesh High Court

Stenographer from the button given below.

Click Here to see Official notification for Stenographer 

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