History of Kinnaur District helpful for the General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh. This Kinnaur History is also helpful to the Government Jobs Examinations of Himachal Pradesh. Such as HPPSC and HPSSC and Other Government Department of Himachal Pradesh. Here we will cover all the History of Kinnaur District.
- In history Kinnaur District is known as “Chini”. Which was the Tehsil of Mahasu District .
- Kinnaur was the part of ancient kingdom Bushehar.
- In history the inhabitants of Kinnaur was called ‘Ashvmukhi’.
- Tibetans call Kinnari people as ‘Khunu’.
- Basically Kinnauri were from ‘Khss’ community.
- Kinnaur hve the Polyandry system (Bahupati Pratha).
Kings and Timewise History of Kinnaur :
Detailed Kingwise and timewise history of Kinnaur is mentioned below :
Raja Pradyuman :
- Bushehar so called Kinnaur was established by the King Pradyuman.
- Pradyuman was Chandravanshi.
- Pradyuman made Kamru as the Capital of Bushehar/ Kinnaur.
Raja Chattar Singh :
- Chattar Singh was the 110th ruler of Kinnaur
- Chattar Singh Shifted Capital of Kinnaur/Bushehar from Kamru to Sarahan.
Raja Kehri Singh :
- Kehri Singh was also one of the great ruler of Kinnaur/Bushehar.
- Kehri Singh was called ‘Ajanbahu’.
- Kehri Singh was the contemporary of Mugal Emperor Orangzeb.
- Orangzeb gave ‘Chatrpati’ Degree to Kehri Singh.
Raja Mahender Singh :
- Mahendra Singh was the son of Kehri Singh.
- Gurkhas Attacked Kinnaur/Bushehar in 1803 to 1815 in the time of Raja Mahendra Singh.
- Mehndra Singh Started living in Kamru because of Gurkha Attack.
Raja Ram Singh :
- Raja Ram Singh Established Rampur Town.
Raja Padam Singh :
- Raja Padam Singh was considered king by the British.
- Raja Padam Singh was the last king of Bushahr/Kinnaur princely state.
- In 1948 Kinnaur/Bushehar was merged into the Himachal Pradesh.
In 21 April 1960 Kinnaur was made 6th District of Himachal Pradesh.