JOA IT 817 Result – HPRCA

Himachal Pradesh Rajya Chayan Aayog on 9 August 2024 declared the final result for the recruitment of 1862 posts of JOA IT Post code 817  {Gen (UR)-696, Gen (EWS)-261, Gen (WFF)-24, OBC (UR)-304, OBC(BPL)-62, OBC(WFF)-06, SC(UR)-352, SC (BPL)-54, SC(WFF)-13, SC(W.Exsm)-01 ST (UR)-70, ST (BPL)-18 & ST (WFF)-01} of Junior Office Assistant (IT) Post Code: 817.

Based on the Skill Typing Test, only 5717 (4342+1375) candidates were shortlisted for further selection/evaluation process on the basis of the merit of written objective type screening test and were called for further 15 marks document evaluation process as per the government notified parameters, which was conducted on 01.08.2022 to 31.08.2022, 16.05.2024 to 31.05.2024, 10.06.2024 & 20.06.2024 respectively. Subsequently, 5220 candidates appeared in the document evaluation process, 385 candidates remained absent and candidature of 112 candidates was rejected by the Commission/ Aayog. The Aayog has compiled the result of 1862 posts of Junior Office Assistant (IT) Post Code: 817. Candidates can check and see the results by clicking on the link below :

Click Here to see Final Result of JOA IT 817 

Candidates can check the same on the HPRCA Official Website.

13 posts of SC(WFF) remained vacant due to non availability of candidates.
Note: 08 posts have been kept vacant till the final outcome of investigation/final court cases. Further
the offer of appointment to finally selected candidates shall be conditional and subject to the
final outcome of the investigation/court cases.

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