HPSSC Clerk Post code 962 Result

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has declared the result of the written test for the post of Clerk Post code 962 that is for the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat. Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission on 21st October 2022 declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 82 posts {Gen (UR)-31,Gen (EWS)-10, Gen (WFF)-01, OBC (UR)-13, OBC(BPL)-03, SC (UR)-16 , SC (BPL)-03, SC(WFF)-01, ST (UR)-03 & ST(BPL)-01} of Clerk (on contract basis) Post Code: 962 held on 18.09.2022 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:10) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Secretary (SA) to the Government of HP.

In response to this advertisement, 108223 applications were received out of which 90951 applications were provisionally admitted. In the Written Objective Type Screening Test 57710 candidates appeared and 33241 candidates remained absent. Out of total 57710 candidates appeared, the following 897 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process that is typing skill test.

HPSSC Clerk 962 Result : 

Candidates can see or download the result for 82 Posts of  HPSSC Clerk Post code 962 for the HP Secretariat from the button given below. Candidates can also check the same from the HPSSC Official website.

HPSSC Clerk 962 Typing test Important Notification:

Typing skill test of the shortlisted candidates for HPSSC Clerk 962 will be conducted w.e.f 1st to 5th November, 2022 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent /technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.

HPSSC Clerk  Post Code 962 Typing Test Result :

H.P. Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur today declared the result of Typing Skill Test conducted from 1st to 5 th November, 2022, for the recruitment of 82 posts {Gen (UR)-31, Gen (EWS)-10, Gen (WFF)-01, OBC (UR)-13, OBC(BPL)-03, SC (UR)-16 , SC (BPL)-03, SC(WFF)-01, ST (UR)-03 & ST(BPL)-01} of Clerk (on contract basis) Post Code: 962. The requisition was received from the Secretary (SA) to the Government of HP. On the basis of the merit of Written Objective Type Screening Test held on 18.09.2022, 897 candidates were called in 1:10 ratio for Typing Skill Test which was conducted w.e.f. 1st to 5th November, 2022. Out of 897 candidates, 793 candidates appeared in the typing skill test , 104 candidates remained absent. Out of 793 candidates 449 candidates qualified the typing skill test in English or Hindi. Further, out of 449 candidates, 265 candidates (in the ratio of 1:3/1:4) bearing the following R oll Numbers in their respective categories have been provisionally short listed for further selection process i.e. document verification process on the basis of merit of written objective type screening test. Candidates can see or download the official result for HPSSC Clerk 962 Result from the button below, or candidates can check the same from the HPSSC Official website.
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