Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission has released result for the typing skill test for the 82 Posts of JOA IT Post code 903. The result was declared on 28th July 2022 in the form of a notification it was written in the notification :
H.P. Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur today declared the result of Typing Skil lTest conducted on 7th May, 2022, for the recruitment of 82 posts {Gen (UR)-36, Gen (EWS)-10, Gen (WFF)-02, OBC(UR)-14, OBC (BPL)-01, SC (UR)-12, SC(BPL)-03, SC (WFF)-01 & ST (UR)-03 } of Junior Office Assistant (IT) (on contract basis) Post Code: 903.
The requisitions to fill u these posts were received from the various Departments/Corporations/Boards etc., and advertised vide advertisement No. 37-1/2021 dated 08.04.2021 and addendum dated 19.08.2021. On the basis of the merit of Written Objective Type Screening Test held on 19.12.2021 total 842 candidates were called in 1:10 ratio for Typing Skill Test which was conducted on 5 th to 7 th May, 2022. Out of 842 candidates, 798 candidates appeared in the typing skill test & 44 candidates remained absent. Out of 798 candidates 695 candidates qualified the typing skill test in English or Hindi.
JOA IT Post Code 903 Typing Test Result PDF :
Candidates can see or download the result for the JOA IT Post code 903 from the button given below. Candidates can also see result the the HPSSC Official website :
JOA IT 903 Important Instructions for the Candidates:
Further, out of 695 candidates, 272 candidates (in the ratio of 1:3/1:4) bearing the following Roll Numbers in their respective categories have been provisionally short listed for further selection process i.e. evaluation process on the basis of merit of written objective type screening test.
15 marks evaluation process with respect to the successful candidates will be conducted w.e.f. 12th to 14th September, 2022 in the premises of HPSSC, Hamirpur at 10:00 AM.