JOA IT Update

JOA IT Update || Typing test postponed again

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission gave the JOA IT latest update. This time HPSSC declared an another notice about the postponement of JOA IT. In the notice it was written that in continuation to the notice of even number dated 26-08-2021 and 03-09-2021, it is for information of all concerned that consequent upon the stay orders passed by Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh in some Civil Writ Petitions, the typing skill test for the post of JOA IT post code 817 to be conducted up to 12.09.2021 were postponed till further orders.

Now the Hon’ble high court of Himachal Pradesh has further fixed the next date of hearing on 13.09.2021. Therefor the latest update on JOA IT is that the typing skill test for the post of Junior Office Assistant (IT) Post code 817 postponed till further orders.  Candidates can check the same information on the commission’s official website and candidates can also check the latest update on JOA IT official document by HPSSC  just by clicking on the Button below.


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