Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) on 21st August 2021 declared the result of the objective type screening test for the post of Store Keeper on contract basis which was having post code 872. There was total 07 Posts of Store Keeper Having post code 872. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Managing Director, Himfed, Shimla-3.
In response to the advertisement of Store Keeper post code 872 total 20803 application were received out of which 13588 applications were provisionally admitted.
Store Keeper Post code 872 number of Posts:
There was total 07 posts for the store keeper 872 whose breakup is :
GEN(EWS)- 01 Post
OBC(UR)- 03 Posts
SC(UR)- 01 Post
SC(UR)-01 Post
SC(BPL)-01 Post
ST(BPL)-01 Post
Total 07 Posts
Store Keeper Post code 872 result:
The written objective type screening test was held on 28-03-2021 in which 6078 Candidates appeared and 7510 candidates remained absent. Out of total 6078 candidates appeared, In the result of the screening test for the post of Store Keeper Post code 872 the following 26 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for the further selection process. Their Roll Numbers are :
872000879 872001199 872002177 872002554 872002682 872002807
872002930 872004115 872004658 872004861 872005633 872005822
872007039 872007877 872007939 872008717 872009857 872010200
872010294 872010521 872010562 872011443 872012017 872012113
872012667 872012875
Total 26 Candidates
Important Instruction For the candidates Who passed the Store Keeper Examination :
15 Marks of evaluation of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 06th September 2021 at 9:30 AM in the premises of HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. They are directed to bring all original essential qualification related documents, 15 marks of evaluation related documents, set of self attested copies of all documents , one Id proof and copy of downloaded application form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further opportunity will be given thereafter.
The roll number wise detail is given above and also on the commission’s official website . You can also check the same information on the HPSSC official website.