HPPSC Various Examination Schedule

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) will conduct the computer based Examination Test (CBT,s) for the following posts as per schedule given below:

HPPSC Computer Programmer Exam Date 2021 :

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct examination for the posts of Computer Programmer for the Jal Shkati Vibhag Himachal Pradesh on Dated 23-08-2021 (23rd August 2021) on time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The reposting time for the candidates are at 12:00 Noon.


HPPSC Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Exam Date 2021:

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct examination for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) for the PWD Himachal Pradesh on Dated 24-08-2021 (24th August 2021) on time 1:00 Pm to 3:00 PM. The reporting time for the candidates are at 12:00 Noon.


HPPSC Process Engineer Exam Date:

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct examination for the post of Process Engineer for the Jal Shakti Vibhag Himachal Pradesh on Dated 25-08-2021 (25th August 2021) on time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The reporting time for the candidates are at 12:00 Noon.


HPPSC Computer Programmer (Civil supplies & consumer Affairs ) Exam Date :

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct examination for the posts of Computer Programmer for the Civil Supplies & Consumer affairs Himachal Pradesh on Dated 26-08-2021 (26th August 2021) on Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The reporting time for the candidates are at 12:00 Noon.



Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct examination for the post of APRO for Information & Public Relation Department Himachal Pradesh on Dated 27-08-2021 (27th August 2021) on Time 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. The reporting time for the candidates are at 12:00 Noon.


Important Instructions for the candidates appearing in the examinations of HPPSC :

The E-admit card and instructions to the candidates have been uploaded on the HPPSC’s Official website and concerned candidates have also been informed through SMS/ emails on their respective Cellular Numbers/  e-mail id’s provided by them in their respective Online Recruitment Application Form. Therefore, all the provisionally admitted candidates are advised to download their e-admit cards(s) along with instructions to the candidates from the HPPSC’s Official website and bring admit cards in the examination center on the day of examination and no candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination without e-admit cards. In case of any enquiry the candidates can contact Commission’s Office on any working day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on telephone number 0177-2624313. 0177-2629739 and Toll free No. 1800-180-8004.

The candidates coming to H.P. from other states /UT’s are also requested to registered themselves through COVID E- REGISTRATION Software.



HPPSC Examination E-admit Card Downloads :

Candidates can download their E-admit cards along with their center name and timing and everything from the commission’s official website very simply from here just click on the link below to the e-admit card download from the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission’s Official website : 

Click on the link below  to download E-admit cards now: 


COVID E-registration For examinations of HPPSC:

The candidates coming to H.P. from other states /UT’s are also requested to registered themselves through COVID E- REGISTRATION Software.

Candidates can register directly from the link given below : 


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