HPSSC Result

JE Mechanical Post Code 881 Result Out

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) at 19th August 2021 Declared Result of the Screening test for the Post of Junior Engineer(JE) Mechanical having post code 881.

Total numbers of Posts of JE Mechanical 881 :

The total number of posts of JE Mechanical post code 881 was 15.

For Gen (UR): 06 Posts

Gen (EWS): 02 Posts

OBC (UR): 02 Posts

OBC (BPL): 01 Post

SC (UR): 04 Posts

Total : 15 Posts

JE Mechanical 881 Result:

The advertisement for the post of JE Mechanical 881 was Published on 04.04.2021. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Engineer-in-chief, Jal shakti Vibhag, Shimla-5.

In response to the advertisement of JE Mechanical  5046 Applications were received out of which 4317 applications were provisionally admitted.

The written type screening test was held on 04.04.2021 in which 2960 candidates appeared and 1357 candidates remained absent. Out of total 2960 candidates appeared, the following  46 Candidates passes the examination and have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection Process. Their Roll Numbers are :

881000108 881000228 881000330 881000338 881000353 881000420
881000478 881000528 881000540 881000606 881000733 881000736
881000745 881000787 881000863 881000885 881001753 881001980
881001983 881002028 881002082 881002166 881002217 881002302
881002490 881002532 881002590 881002708 881002792 881002867
881002903 881002972 881002998 881003132 881003229 881003239
881003383 881003384 881003422 881003519 881003668 881003704
881003752 881003977 881004216 881004370

Total : 46 Candidates

Important Instructions for the candidates who passed the JE Mechanical Post code 881 :

15 marks of evaluation of the shortlisted candidates  for the JE Mechanical Post code 881 will be conducted on 3rd Sep 2021 at 09:30 AM in the premises of HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. They are directed to bring all original essential qualifications related documents, set of self attested documents copies, One Id proof and copy of downloaded application form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the day fixed by the commission he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further opportunity will be given thereafter.

Everyone can also check List of Roll numbers  of the candidates is also available on the HPSS commission’s official website.

While every care has been taken in preparing the result, Possibility of inadvertent / technical error can not be ruled out. The respected commission reserves right to rectify the same later on.

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