Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission declared the date of screening test for the post of Junior Engineer Civil Post code 900, (JE Civil Post code 900). The written test for the post of JE Civil Post code-900 is being conducted by the commission on 29th August 2021 (29-08-2021) in the evening session. The eligibility criteria as per R&P rules of the post s as Under:-
Minimum Qualification for the Post of JE Civil Post code 900 :
The candidate must have passed full time diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized university / institution by GoHP with minimum 55% marks.
Age Limit for the post of JE Civil post code 900:
The age limit for the post of je civil is from 18 to 45 years as on 1st Jan of the year.(Except the candidates claimed age relaxation as per their category).
Number of Post of JE Civil Post code 900 :
EWS.(UR)-02 posts
SC(UR)-01 post
ST(UR)-01 post
OBC(UR)-01 post
Total = 05 Posts