HPPSC Examination Schedule 2021

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) will conduct examinations/ Computer based Screening test (CBT/ Offline) in the month of August and September 2021 for the following posts as per schedule given below:  

Tentative Schedule Of Online/ CBT Examination By HPPSC 2021:

Computer Programmer In Jal Shakti Vibhag:

The written test for the posts of Computer programmer for the Jal shakti vibhag Himachal Pradesh will be conducted on Dated: 23/8/2021.  

Assistant Engineer (Electrical) In PWD Department:

The written test for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) for the PWD Department will be conducted on Dated 24/8/2021.

Process Engineer In Jal Shakti Vibhag:

The written test for the posts of Process Engineer for the Jal Shakti Vibhag will be Conducted on Dated 25/08/2021.

Computer Programmer In The Department Of Food, Civil Supplies And Consumers Affairs :

The written test for the posts of Computer Programmer in the department sf Food, Civil Supplies and consumer affairs will be conducted on Dated 26/08/2021.  

APRO In The Department Of Information & Public Relation:

  The written test for the posts of APRO in the department of Information and Public relation will be conducted on Dated 27/08/2021.

Senior Scale Stenographer In HPPSC:

The written test for the post of Senior Scale Stenographer in the HPPSC department will be conducted on Dated : 28/08/2021.

Tentative Schedule Of Offline Examination By HPPSC :

Assistant Engineer (Civil) In PWD Department:

The written test for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil) in the HP PWD Department will be conducted on Dated 19/09/2021.

Himachal Pradesh Administration Services (Preliminary) Examination :

The written test for the Posts of HPAS Pre examination for the various department will be conducted on Dated: 26/09/2021. The E-admit card and instruction to candidates are being uploaded very shortly on HPPSC’s official website and concerned candidates will also be informed in the due course of time through SMS/ e-mail on their respective cellular number and e-mail Id(s) as mentioned by them in the online Recruitment Application Form. In case of any enquiry, the candidates can contact Commission’s office on any working day from 10 :00 AM to 5:00 Pm on Telephone numbers HPPSC and also on toll free number 1800-180-8004.    
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