Solar Eclipse in India image

Solar eclipse will not be visible in Himachal Pradesh

The first solar eclipse of this year is going to happen on 10 June 2021.But this solar eclipse will not be visible in the whole of India nor will it be visible in the whole world, nor will this solar eclipse be visible in Himachal Pradesh.

When will the solar eclipse happen in India 2021 ?

This solar eclipse will happen from 1:42 to 6:41 according to Indian time.

Where will this solar eclipse be visible ?

First of all, if we talk about India, then in India this solar eclipse will be visible in some  states like Arunachal Pradesh and Leh and Ladakh of Jammu and Kashmir, apart from this solar eclipse will not be visible in any state of India. And if we now talk about the whole world, then in the whole world this solar eclipse will be visible in some parts of Russia and some parts of Canada and some parts of East America and some parts of Europe. It will also be said as as ring of fire because 70 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon and this view will look like a ring of fire.

how does solar eclipse happen?

Eclipse in India Himachal

If the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, then at that time the Moon, the Sun and the Earth come in straight line and the Moon blocks the sunlight, thus a solar eclipse occurs.

This solar eclipse will not be visible in Himachal Pradesh state of India, it will be visible only in Arunachal Pradesh and Leh Ladakh of Jammu and Kashmir and because of this the Sutak period of the planet will not be valid in India, after that, if we talk about the last solar eclipse of 2021 Will happen on 4th December 2021 and this solar eclipse will also not be visible in India completely
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