Board Exams Canceled in HP

HP Board Exams Canceled

Due to the Corona Virus after cancelation of 12th Board exams of CBSE. The Himachal Pradesh Government and (Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education)HPBOSE has canceled 12th Board Examination in Himachal Pradesh.

This final information about cancelation of 12th Board Exams in Himachal Pradesh was given by Education Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Sh. Govind Singh Thakur to the press conference of the high level cabinet meeting with CM Of Himachal Pradesh, Sh. JaiRam Thakur and other ministers of Himachal Government.

What will the result of HP 12th Board Exams Cancelation:

After Cancelation of CBSE Board 12th Exams and Like the CBSE Board HP Board of School Education will apply the same guidelines to all the 12th Class Students of Himachal Pradesh students of Himachal Pradesh. It is also stated in the conference that those students who are not satisfied with the award formula provided by the HP Board for the 12th Class students will get chance to appear in the upcoming examination for 12th Exams . But that depends upon the 12th Standard Students weather they want reward system marks without examinations or they want to give examinations in future. But for now it’s Clear that 12th Class exams are canceled in Himachal Pradesh by HB Board for the year 2020- 2021.
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