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Pre Monsoon in Himachal Pradesh

Pre Monsoon have arrived in Himachal Pradesh 

Pre Monsoon has arrived in Himachal Pradesh at 1st June 2021. It came to Himachal Pradesh Earlier than expected this all happed because of Low Pressure and High Pressure scenario at the bay of Katch and Bay of Bangal. Recently India have faced two cyclones named as “Tua-te” at bay of Katch and “Yas” at  Bangal. These both cyclones impacted Himachal Pradesh in many ways. The Result is Pre Monsoon in Himachal Pradesh at the first week of June in Himachal Pradesh.

What is Expected by Pre Monsoon in Himachal Pradesh

Pre monsoon came with heavy clouds with so much water stored in it. The Result is Heavy Rainfall and Hail Storms is likely to occur in Himachal in the whole month According to Some Weather stations.

You can See the Weather Report of Himachal Pradesh for the 1st Week of Jun 2021. You can check the same report for the whole month.

Weather Report Pre Monsoon

Some advantages of this pre monsoon is :

Temperature will fall at Himachal Pradesh in the summer season. People of Himachal Pradesh will get relief from the Heat of Summers.

Some disadvantages of this pre monsoon is :

Some Losses can also occur to Himachal Pradesh like Hailstorm will destroy the harvesting and many types of seasonal Vegetables  in the Himachal Pradesh. It will also negatively impact on the Apples of Himachal Pradesh.


What can be done reduce disadvantages of this Pre Monsoon in Himachal Pradesh

Pre Monsoon is a Natural Phenomenon.We can not do anything in it. We Must be aware about this Pre Monsoon in advance so that we can make best out of it.

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