HP History GK || HP History GK SET 3 || HP History GK MCQ,s
Himachal Pradesh History General Knowledge (HP History GK) MCQ,s:
1. Chamba Painting got the royal patronage for the first time during the reign of which ruler ?
A. Sahil Verman
B. Mushan Verman
C. Udai Singh
D. Meru Verman
Answer : C. Udai Singh
2. The Audumbaras were considered as descendents of which sage ?
A. Attri
B. Vishwamitra
C. Bardwaj
D. None of these
Answer : B. Vishwamitra
3. Guler Princely State was founded by which ruler ?
A. Hari Chand
B. Purab Chand
C. Hemi Chand
D. Kailash chand
Answer : A. Hari Chand
4. The First Municipal Government formed in MC Shimla in which year ?
A. 1851
B. 1891
C. 1921
D. 1951
Answer : A. 1851
5. Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture established in which year ?
A. 1985
B. 1988
C. 1991
D. 1995