Press Duftry (on contract basis)-921(921)
Press Duftry Post Code- 921 Name of the Department- Printing and Stationary
publish date : 10/4/2021 last date: 30/5/2021
Essential Eligibility:Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP Emoluments for contract employee(s) : 7810/-PM
i) 10+2 or it’s equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/Institution.
ii) Two years National Trade/Apprentieship certificate course in the trade of binding from a recognized ITI or from an Institution duly recognized by Central/HP Government.
Note :- A candidate shall be eligible for appointment of this post, if, he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.Total Vacancies:1
- SC of Himachal Pradesh(Unreserved) Vacancies: 1 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 50
You can apply from the official website click here :