Clerk (on contract basis)-918(918)

Clerk Post Code- 918 Name of the Department – Various Department

publish date : 10/4/2021     last date: 30/5/2021

Essential Eligibility:Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP Emoluments for contract employees :- 7810/- PM (which shall be equal to minimum of the Pay Band +Grade Pay)


i) Should have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/University

ii) Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting on Computer. Provided that visually impaired persons recruited under 1% quota shall be imparted necessary basis training including computer training by the Department concerned through Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Sundernagar or NIVH, Dehradun or CTC, Ludhiana instead of passing typing test. They shall have to complete the above training during which three chances will be afforded. If the incumbent fails to qualify the same his/her services shall be terminated. However, the incumbents already in the service shall be afforded sufficient number of chances to complete the afforded sufficient number of chances to complete the aforesaid training. Provided further that physically handicapped persons who are otherwise qualified to hold clerical post as certified being unable to type, by the Medical Board may be exempted from passing the typing test. The term, physically handicapped persons does not cover those who are visually handicapped or who are hearing handicapped but cover only those whose physical disability/deformity permanently prevents them from typing. The above criteria for grant of exemption from passing the typing test shall also be applicable to the Skill Test Norms on Computer. (i) Should have the knowledge of ‘Word Processing’ in Computer as prescribed by the Recruiting Authority. Note :- A candidate shall be eligible for appointment of this post, if, he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.Total Vacancies:10

  • General(Unreserved) Vacancies: 1 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 45
  • General(Economic Weaker Section) Vacancies: 2 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 45
  • OBC of Himachal Pradesh(Unreserved) Vacancies: 3 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 50
  • OBC of Himachal Pradesh(BPL) Vacancies: 1 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 50
  • SC of Himachal Pradesh(Unreserved) Vacancies: 3 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 50
 You can apply from the official website click here : Last Date to apply has been closed.

Answer Key for the Post of Clerk 918:

Candidates can see and download the answer key for the Post of clerk 918 by clicking on the button given below:


HPSSC Clerk 918 Result: 

Examination was conducted by the HPSSC on 12/12/2021 and result is awaited stay connected for updates.

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